Thursday, January 05, 2006


I don't do resolutions. I think they're kind of silly. If you couldn't make yourself do the exact same thing on the 31st of December, then chances are you aren't going to do them come January 1st. And why set yourself up for failure so early in the year...wait until summer to disappoint yourself, at least then the weather is better. But, hypocrisy not withstanding here, there are a few things I'm going to try and avoid this year:
1. Expectations
2. Overindulgence of any sort
3. Hanging on to shit
4. Boys who are from out of town, moving out of town, Capricorns, artists/musicians/djs, have read The Way of the Peaceful Warrior, Asian fetishists, and/or ego-hounds.
5. Self-loathing

Nothing too big or complicated...
Oh and #4 isn't directed at anybody who actually reads this page...just in case you wondered.

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