Wednesday, January 04, 2006

so long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, goodbye

My house has that distressing quiet and stillness that you get after having had people over. The quiet that makes me think that my space stays empty far too often. Gabs is gone, soon to return to the land of bluegrass and bourbon. And for me, things are slowly returning back to (ab)normal. I went back to work last night, I finally dragged my bloated ass to the gym this morning, and my dog is back on his schedule too. We definitely rock-starred it up during the visit, though I did manage to not go completely overboard. Mostly due to lack of yay for being broke, it kept me from spending quality time with my toilet. I know everybody complains about having out-of-town guests because you have to do the same old touristy shit, but I think secretly everybody enjoys it. I like Pike Place Market, even when it's crawling with brain-dead tourists. Next time I have a visitor, hopefully the weather will be a lot nicer and we can do more outdoorsy stuff.

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