Wednesday, January 04, 2006

paradigm shift

First it was the confirmation of Justice Alito. Then the death of Betty Friedan and Coretta Scott King. I can't help but feeling like an era has somehow ended. And it's a little scary. Honestly, I don't feel too dramatic when I read the news and think, "The civil rights movement is dead." I feel like I belong to a generation of passive-aggressive politicism. It's not that we don't care, or that we don't care enough...maybe we just stopped believing we could actually make a change. I have a hard time believing that change can happen. Especially when I see how easily we're manipulated into focusing on things that have absolutely no importance, like whether or not Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are expecting a boy or girl. I don't know what I wish more, that I have nothing to be worried about or that other people started to be a little more worried.

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