Thursday, January 27, 2005

stewing in it

My friend B. is coming over on Sunday and I am making stew, so tonight I went out and bought the ingredients. Seriously, I go to the grocery store once every two to three weeks and always at different times of the what are the chances that Sam the Meat-man will be there, ready as ever to stalk me??? Pretty good, let me tell you. I saw him long before he saw me. Frankly, he's not hard to spot since he looks like a beer-drinking, hirsute Poppin Fresh. So being the stealth former commando that I am, I went down two aisles and snuck back into the flesh-peddling section. But the meat-man...he got mad stalker skillz yo! There I am, making my selections and out of the corner of my eye, with my uncorrected peripheral vision, I see him ambling over with a goofy little grin (pause for gagging). Man, I have never pushed a cart so fast in my life. I was down the kool-aid aisle before they could call a clean-up on aisle four. I need a new grocery store, this one is going to cause nightmares.

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