Tuesday, March 08, 2005

sally's kids

I need to find a charitable organization willing to offset the high cost of inebriation by giving me money for my vacation. Either than or I am going to have to start selling my body and/or its various organs. Generally I don't care very much about money, as long as the basics are covered... you know designer clothes, bottled French water, fancy restaraunts, plastic surgery, status car, houseboy...then I'm fine. But since lately I seem to have less and less of the cashola, it's importance has been growing. My poor sad little checking account...once so voluptuous and Rubenesque, now suffering from anorexia and a really bad case of the shits...I weep for it. Of course I could cut back on my expenditures but honestly I would give up food and quite possibly electricity before I give up HBO, Showtime, or cable internet, especially since Deadwood and The L Word just started, for I love any shows that liberally sprinkle the words cocksucker and twat throughout. Maybe I should start one of those websites where I beg for money because I would rather not reap the consequences of my own stupidity and irresponsbility when I can mooch off the kindness of morons...ooops, I meant strangers, hell it worked for her...maybe I should ask her to spot me a couple of Bens.

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